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Usability Designs

"I am founder of a startup company. Bill helped us with user stories, single-handedly designed wireframes and mockups and carried out user testing. He worked well with the other team members, and we were extremely happy with his work. I highly recommend him. He is fast and thorough, easy to work with, and he focuses on what he gives rather than on what he takes."    
  Alex Bäcker, QLess founder, inventor, board director, technologist.

“If you want a successful product, test and revise. If you want a great project, one that can change the world, let it be driven by someone with a clear vision. The latter presents more financial risk, but it is the only path to greatness.”           Donald Norman, Emotional Design

Upgrading our Knowledge Infrastructure PDF

ABC Spinner and ABC Wheel
To raise the literacy level of the USA and planet Earth.
These are user-centered English alphabets displays that make it easier
for students to learn and use the English alphabet.
I want to put an ABC Wheel onto every child's desk.
I want to out an ABC Rug into every K-2 classroom.
I want to make ABC mobile games that every child can play.


Galactic Numbers
I want to replace our old number system with a new number system.
White Paper 1
White Paper 2

What number is this?

What number is this?

SpaceHenge Monument
I want this monument in every city around the world.
White Paper: http://earth360.com/space_henge.html

User-Centered Terminology for Students
I have done in-depth, independent research into making education more student-centered.
Here are over 250 mathematical terms translated into easy-to-understand words.
White Paper 1: http://earth360.com/easy_math1.html


Chemical Nomenclature

Ergonomic Workstation

This is a portable ergonomic workstation I designed and sold.
See more information here:

My Background

In the early 1970s, I graduated from the Air Force Academy.

I received a Master's Degree in Human Factors (and Industrial Psychology) from Purdue University. My advisor there was Dr. Ernest McCormick, who was one of the founders of the field of Human Factors Engineering and whose textbook on the subject was a standard for many years. At that time, there were only about 200 usability engineers in the entire world. Most of them worked for governments doing military work, as I did.

In the Air Force, I worked at Edwards Air Force Base, where I was involved in cockpit usability testing for the F-15, which was the latest high-speed jet. We tested what was a relatively new idea at that time: the heads-up display. I worked closely with the test pilots, documenting their use of the cockpit, gathering their feedback, and sending design change recommendations back to the manufacturer. I worked with three other human factors engineers. We, in turn, worked closely with many other engineers on the F- 15, such as electrical, propulsion, and radar engineers. I was also responsible for observing and writing a report on pilot workload under simulated combat conditions.

In addition, I did work on the human factors of maintenance tasks on the F-15, using video.
I have written a 1) Web Site Ergonomics Checklist and a 2) Web Site User Survey. Also, I coined the phase "Homo sapien interface" to emphasize the need to consider the evolutionary background of humanity in design.